понедельник, 21 сентября 2009 г.

Paragon Software launches a Free Downloads Portal

Now you can find all Paragon's free tools at our new Free Downloads Portal. Information about new free products and periodic promotions for full commercial software giveaways will be shared here. Paragon will be monitoring blog postings and will try to answer all of your questions concerning the Portal, our products, or promotions. Here are some initial questions already answered for you.
"Why did Paragon open the Free Downloads Portal?"
Paragon Software wants to maximize every opportunity in today’s online marketplace to be a familiar and friendly brand for current and future customers. We want software enthuasiasts and individuals with concern for protecting and maintaining their PC, but without a current solution, to have access to a set of basic free tools (for non commerce use). Paragon’s software as offered on our Free Downloads Portal is not freeware in the usual sense. Unlike other advertised freeware offers, our Portal isn’t providing trial-limited software licenses, but full versions of our products — get all the benefits of our software without any feature restrictions or time limitations.
"What do you mean by “It’s not a freeware in the usual sense?"
When we develop tools for our Free Downloads Portal, we use the same standards of quality as we have been using for more than 15 years developing our commercial products. We think that every user of our software (freeware or commercial versions) is our customer, and we try to do everything we can to satisfy them with a host of possible solutions that perform to the same level as our commercial products do.
"Why should I consider Paragon Free Downloads, but not freeware from other developers?
Most of the software’s operations relate to the safety and preservation of your data and the stability of your system. These are complex and highly responsible operations that should be entrusted only to verified and proven software vendors . More than 3 million customers around the world successfully use Paragon's software — an excellent guarantee of reliability for you as well.
Please visit our Portal and help yourself to any software title that might be useful to you. We hope you find the listed software titles both valuable and important to protecting and maintaining your PC. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Best regards
Paragon Software

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